

Welcome to Astra Trading GmbH

Astra Trading GmbH is an international trading company focusing on the sourcing and supply of railway spare parts.

We are maintaining very good relationships with the established suppliers and are very keen in assisting you with the sourcing of available, discontinuing or phased out products.

We appreciate your business!

We're increasing our product portfolio!

COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear Customers and Partners, we're taking threats through Corona Virus Infections very serious and cancelled all business trips. Much more than in the past we are using video conference software allowing personal contacts and of course emails and telephone calls. Using these media, especially video conferencing allows you and us to get in contact through your local device such as mobile phone, tablet , pc, desktop and so on and share information. If you need we'll be happy to send a link and help as much as we can. Your Astra Team

We appreciate your business!

Renewed ISO 9001 : 2015 certificate!